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2012 Dodge Avenger

  • 2012 Dodge Avenger

    Dodge Avenger
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • Flush brake hydraulic system with BG DOT 4 fluid. Road test for proper brake function.
    • Lubricate and check chassis. Change oil and filter. Check air filter. Check all fluid levels and tire pressures. Perform maintenance inspection. Vehicle needs front and rear brake pads 1-4mm EST $215 per axle.
    • Replace front brake pad linings and machine front brake disc rotors to spec. Clean and lubricate brake calipers and slide mechanisms. Check and fill brake fluid. Road test vehicle.
    • Replace rear brake pads. Machine rotors to spec. Clean and lubricate rear brake caliper slide mechanism. Adjust parking brake. Road test vehicle.
    • Replace the left rear hub/brg assembly
    David K. gave our service a 5 star review on 11/5/2020


Master Tech Auto Services
209 24th Ave NW – B
Norman, OK73069-6322
(405) 321-2804

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